Get your 2025 bingo card and play with your friends Ready for your 2025 bingo card on is in a closed beta. is not open yet, but you can get in early with an invite code
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Card Genres
A card genre is like a topic. Here are some of the latest genres added.
Software Dev Team Things that happen on a software development team.
Tech Conference Things that happen during tech conferences like Google I/O or Apple WWDC
2025 General Activities Things that happen during 2025.
Star Wars Origin Trilogy Watch Party Step into a galaxy far, far away with the 'Galactic Adventure Bingo' theme for your Star Wars watch party. This bingo theme is designed to enhance the excitement of watching the Original Trilogy.
Pro American Football Game Events that could happen in an American football game.
Wedding Shower Wedding shower bingo is a fun and interactive game played during a wedding shower. It involves bingo cards filled with common events, gifts, and topics related to weddings.
Video Meeting Boring, zany, funny things that happen on video meetings.
Below Deck Episode Things that happen during a an episode of the TV show Below Deck.
Baby Shower Things that happen during a Baby Shower
Road Trip Things you see and do on a road trip
All Genres